[As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15]

VBS, basketball camp, and Bible Memory Challenge

 I'm trying to play a little catch-up with this post so it's a little bit of random.  VBS was awesome last week.  We were so glad that Joshua and Marah were able to come with us and they all had so much fun.  The next couple of pics are from basketball camp at church, which was terrific.  I wish it would have lasted longer because Scott Stapler from Alabama Basketball Academy was the guy who organized the camp and he is awesome!!  The last few pics are from the Bible Memory Challenge ceremony at church where they received their trophies for memorizing scripture for the year.  I'm so so proud of them for that accomplishment!!

1 People Think:

Holly-- The Storm Chaser said...

Congrats to the kids on their verses! That's awesome! I know you are proud. And the VBS pics.... that's the coolest setup and theme! My kids would love that.

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