[As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15]

Crafts and Laughs

I was in the crafty spirits and made some wall art for Caley's room. The boys are now wondering why I'm making everything for her so I've gotta get on the ball and think of something I can do for them. I would love ideas!!!You can find the tutorial for the fabric covered wall art here.

Caley, my 4 year old, drew me this picture for me today and I laughed my head off. I asked her, "Caley, what are those?" She said, "boobies." I was laughing so hard which made her laugh so hard and repeat the word "boobies" about 50 times. Now I've created a monster that draws private parts and thinks it's hilarious. Who knows what's she gonna start drawing at Church or preschool.

10 People Think:

jenna said...

BAHAHAHAHA! Oh Caley! SO funny!

Stacy said...

That is SO funny!! :) Her teachers are gonna think that her mommy doesn't wear clothes around the house!!

I don't really know how to deal with this subject. I don't like the word 'boobs' and Lawson and Jordan address them all the time. Jordan came up with her own word for them--one day she just started calling them pom-poms.

The other day, Lawson went to the childcare at the gym and saw Scooby Doo on the tv there. On the way home, he told me about this "new" girl on tv, Daphne. He said her "shell bumps" were bigger than Ariel's. Daphne had big shell bumps, and Ariel had littler ones.

Crazy how curious they can be! :)

Anonymous said...

I like how your arms are below your belly, coming off of your legs.


The HoneaBees said...

At least they are perky! After nursing 2 kids, I don't think AA could draw mine up that high. And your widow's peak is fabulous as well!

McKinney Madness said...

Well at least the boobies look "perky" on her drawing! ha ha ha!!

Bowerman Blessed said...

That is really funny! Hope Joshua and Marah don't draw one of me anytime soon. I would be really afraid to see it.

mandy said...

That is hilarious! So glad you shared that. That sounds like something my kids would say/do.

Chosen. Loved. Adopted said...

Brooke- that is the funniest drawing I have ever seen! I am so glad you shared that...to funny!

one BleSSed gal! said...

I thought only boys did things like that...just something else for me to look forward to =)

LOVE the wall art!!!

Tera said...

The link to the wall art tutorial does not work! I really would love to find out how you made it! IT is beautiful!

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