[As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15]

The Beach 2009 (Encore)

I know I said that I was finished but there were a few I meant to put in. Here are the last few.

Caley has come leaps and bounds from the beginning of the summer. She went from walking around the side of the pool to jumping in by herself. She even swims under water now. I'm so proud!!

Daddy always joins in on the fun!

Jumping in while catching the torpedo.

We definitely have our favorite places to eat at the beach and one of them is Lambert's Cafe. Home of the throwed rolls. We mainly go there just because of the at atmosphere. For some reason catching a roll is so much fun.

I ate three of those suckers. I with of course molasses and apple butter. Yum!

By the time you leave there you are so unbelievably full! It's worth it though!

1 People Think:

Jamey said...

Love seeing your pictures! Keep them comin'!

We take our track team to Lamberts every year at State. They think it's hilarious to call for a roll, then not catch it at the last second, thus making the roll hit someone in the back of the head. Normally it is someone we know...sometimes we're not so lucky!

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